This season there is a whole lot of hustling going on! It seems like as soon as October hits, Halloween is only a countdown creeping around the corner. Thanksgiving is on the mind, and Christmas is waiting to appear on the shopping list. For a second I want to step away from the long to-do list that we all keep adding to, in order to have some girl talk.
First off, I want to talk about the parties. Every time the holiday season comes around I start thinking about hosting gatherings from the beginning of fall to the frigid ending of winter break. When hosting, I have found that it is really easy to throw together a couple of cute ideas from Pinterest, and pick up some decor from a local thrift store or the home-goods department. Definitely don't knock the quality that Pinterest can bring to your party. Typically decor makes for really good pictures and most of it is all reusable each year. (I like to add some new things to my stash of decorations for each season, every year.) Sometimes I go a little overboard, but I know you do too, so we are in the clear!
Speaking of pictures... if you're anything like me, then you probably like for your pictures to have the right lighting and angles. Am I right? When the lighting is bad but you have a good angle, it can really dictate whether you have a good photo or not. A little lighting also goes a lot further than you may think. Investing in some good lighting doesn't only effect your pictures though... Have you ever noticed that when you've got a lamp on when it's dark out it just feels cozier? Lighting changes the mood! So seriously, consider some different things when taking pictures this year!
A couple of years ago I was given a professional camera and immediately started experimenting. It is so much fun taking photos, even if all you have is the new iPhone! Smart phones definitely make it easier to take a quick selfie with your friends. But learning what angles you like and what side you prefer to stand on can actually give you a boost of confidence! Because let's be honest, when we get captured in an unflattering angle on camera, we are not usually running to the store to get it framed.
Last thing I want to mention... Don't be afraid to try some different poses! Too many times we look back and think to ourselves, What am I doing? So try a couple of poses you typically wouldn't do. Below I have some candid pics of Navy! You must try some of her poses. It may be awkward at first, but do yourself a favor and have some fun with it! Even if you feel silly, you may actually find yourself having a good time, especially if you include one of your girlfriends or your man. See what suits you!