Top Pick for Your Holiday Outfit

Top Pick for Your Holiday Outfit

Top Pick for Your Holiday Outfit

With Christmas approaching, it is time to start thinking about what to wear...since that is obviously the most important thing regarding the holidays ;). 

I scoured the store and found the perfect outfit for your holiday outfit. 

Willis in black $79.50 & Club House in green gables $49.50

For me, Christmas day means running through the house chasing a tyrant of a 4 year-old, helping with cooking, and lots of sitting and standing and then sitting again. I have to be comfortable. That's why I don't wear tights and scratchy (or sweat-inducing) clothing. I stick to the cute and comfortable look that allows me to stuff my face and run about. 

I chose this outfit because it fits those needs. The fabric on Club House is ultra-soft and thin enough to keep me cool once things get hot in the kitchen. I pair the jacket for added style and an optional layer in case wherever you are celebrating is too cold for comfort. 

I would pair this outfit with black leggings to keep comfortable and match the heathered look in the green sweater. If you don't want to be that informal, a comfortable pair of dark, slightly destroyed jeans would look fabulous as well. 

This is my top pick for a holiday outfit, but you may have something else in mind. Some families dress up and look their best. Some only wear their sweatpants. Let us know your top pick for a holiday outfit in the comments below!


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