What are your plans this November? Thanksgiving brings a huge gathering of people back home for our family! We end up eating turkey, rolls, and so. much. dessert. for up to two weeks after the actual holiday. We have always stuck to the traditional turkey and ham for Thanksgiving, but I have heard of some people doing crab or other kinds of seafood! I am planning to try seafood for this Thanksgiving. I am wondering if it will still feel like every year, or if it will feel more like a fancy lunch. Usually my family eats in the later part of the afternoon, and we usually try not to eat too much before this. The rest of the day is simply put as "eating." But enough about me! As a kick off to all the festivities that begin in November, I wanted to give you all a chance to get to know a few gals from our very own Sophie crew. All of the ladies here are such a blessing to me, and I am so grateful to be around them!


Every year My mom makes this killer breakfast casserole. We all come over to my parents house when we wake up and eat breakfast, drink coffee, and watch the parade together. Any holiday traditions involving food and comfy clothes are a favorite for me.
stuffing, duh! My grandmother made this epic homemade stuffing and the recipe was passed down to my mom. Every year she makes a whole extra pan for me and i won't even share it with my husband...it's that good.
I'm thankful for my husband jordan. he sees the best and worst of me and has loved me through it all. I honestly don't know a better person than him.

Every year we go to my mom's on christmas eve for dinner and to spend the night. We always get our yearly christmas pj's for christmas morning and enjoy christmas movies all night!
My favorite dish is probably my granny's mashed potatoes! No one makes them like her and I could seriously eat them every day! Oh and christmas cookies from a baker in lamar, they are my most favorite sweet for the holidays!
I don't think I can name a single someone i'm thankful for. i'm so lucky to have an amazing hubby and family, and my sophie crew of girls i literally couldn't do this life without! I'm blessed to be surrounded by amazing people!

"every year my family gets together at my grandparents and we mainly spend the whole day together. I have 14 cousins so we basically have a mini wiffle ball team. if it is nice outside we always go outside, fly kites, play wiffle ball, or kickball. Before we eat we pray and say what we are thankful for! One of my favorite holidays.
My favorite dish is mixng turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and homeade gravy. yes, I mix my food and i love it.
Its hard to pin point just one person i'm thankful for. so i'll just say my family and boyfriend! "