Employee Feature - Jordyn!

Employee Feature - Jordyn!

Employee Feature - Jordyn!

This week's feature is on Jordyn, a new(ish) employee here at Sophie!

Jordyn started mid-June this year--my guess so as to either stay busy or have a little extra income for summer escapades ;)--and absolutely loves selling shoes to customers because of how involved the task is and because seeing how the shoes look on someone is an easy way to pick which shoes to buy. Remarking clearance and putting the new information in the system was the hardest thing for her to learn starting here.  

As a senior in high school, Jordyn plans to go to college in either Missouri or Arkansas next year but isn't sure which school she would like to attend. She does know that she wants to go into criminal justice. There was no hesitation in that field when I asked her. Jordyn is fascinated by the subject. But of course, before criminal justice pulled at her attention, she wanted to be a brain surgeon. I think there's a "body part" theme there...

As for fashion, Jordyn finds it annoying when people don't match their clothing. As in, why are you wearing blue with another shade of blue? WHY? but probably doesn't sound that anguished. She loves the suede dresses Sophie has in store right now (and there are a lot of them, in both different styles and colors). Jordyn has one already, but wants to buy all of them. She'd wear a suede dress everyday if she could. 

Her favorite quote is:

"Love what you do and do what you love." - Ray Bradbury

A fun fact about Jordyn is:

That she's been a cheer captain all four years of high school. 


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