Brand Feature: Roma!

Brand Feature: Roma!

Brand Feature: Roma!

With the rainy, muddy, and warmer season heading for us (or at least that's what it looks like), this is when I play it safe with practically every walk I take outside. Boots!

I am so lucky that Sophie offers some truly adorable styles of rain boots that keep my feet warm, dry, comfortable, and mud-free. I'm luckier still that the rain boots Sophie has in stock are for a wonderful cause. All our rain boots are from the company ROMA. 

ROMA was started in 2010 by Samuel Bistrian, a man who wanted to combine his love of fashion with philanthropy. For every pair of boots sold, a new pair is donated to a child in need. Additionally, ten percent of all company proceeds funds educational initiatives around the world. ROMA hopes to one day #GivePovertyTheBoot. 

So when you come in and buy a pair to prepare yourself for spring wetness, you are also coming in to help someone across the world. 

Look below to check out the different styles and colors we have in store! Wear with leggings, skinny jeans, rolled boyfriend jeans, or in place of your heels in the quick dash to work across the parking lot. 



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